Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My Computer

I got a new computer last November and it is like my second child. (My first being my iPhone.) I take it everywhere! It comes with me to class, work and my internship.

Because I take it everywhere with me it's important that I have a bag big enough to carry it. I love big bags so it's not a problem for me. My mom tells me I carry a suitcase!

It's also important that I keep it protected in my bag, so I have a neoprene sleeve on it at all times. I got it from Target two or three years ago and it still works wonderfully. It's also my favorite color..PINK!

Because my computer comes with me everywhere I like that I've personalized it. I have my pretty pink case, but it's also plastered with stickers. It's a teensy bit of personalization that shows it's mine!

I love having my computer with me at all times. I always have all of my projects to reference if necessary, and I'm an abuser of the sticky note feature! I have five on my desktop now and I just deleted a bunch the other day. They really help me to keep on track with things going on during the week, but also for long term deadlines that I need to be constantly reminded of. Once a sticky note goes up, it doesn't usually come down for a while.

These are sticky notes from Windows 7!

The only thing I dislike about taking my computer everywhere is that I often leave my charger behind. I seem to forget it at my internship all the time! I really should invest in another one, after all I have more than one phone charger.

Do you tote your computer everywhere? Are you a fan of sticky notes? Do you have two chargers in case of emergency?

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