Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012

I'm not much of a reflector. I don't think I've ever looked back on the goals I've set for myself and determined what worked, what I'm proud of, or what didn't and how I should reevaluate that goal to make it achieveable for me. That's not to say I'm not successful. I am proud of everything that I've accomplished and of the person that I am. Sure, not all of my goals are fully realized, but in some way they've worked themselves out.

Because I don't necessary 'reflect' in the way that most people do, I miss out on acknowledging all the great things that I've done. I forget to slow down and be proud, give credit to myself. It seems that each time I start to achieve one goal I've already moved on to trying to achieve the next one. While I think it's great that I'm driven and constantly trying to move forward, I think it may prevent me from fully focusing on the current goal.

Something I've really been focused on lately is trying to stay present. I don't want to be constantly looking back on the past, but I also don't want to focus too much on the far out future. I think the forward looking part is going to be the most difficult for me, especially since in just four short months I'll be starting a brand new life! It's exciting and scary and it's hard not to think about it. But I have to continually remind myself that I'm still here! I haven't moved to the next step yet. I'll have to strike a balance between preparing myself for the next step but still living in the moment.

On that note: I'm not much for 'resolutions,' I prefer to set goals. My goal for 2013 is to stay present and soak up every moment. To let the small things go and realize everything doesn't need to be planned out. I want to be a bit more spontaneous and less worried about the little things. I know I can't let go of planning for the future and setting future goals. I don't want to. It's part of who I am and I love that about myself. I'm just going to modify it a little bit. I want to set a future goal and then create milestones that will help me achieve it. I want to focus on each individual milestone instead of the big goal.

I'm still working on my goal and each of the milestones that will help me get there. My official "New Year" doesn't start until the spring semester does, so I have a week to iron out all the details and be prepared to tackle what I know will be my biggest year yet!

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